Importing from Turkey

Advantages of Importing from Turkey :

1 - Product Quality :

Turkey excels in providing high-quality products in various fields such as clothing, footwear, furnishings, food industries, chemicals, furniture and doors, plastic products, iron, and more.

2 - Competitive Prices :

Turkish products are known for their competitive prices compared to products imported from other countries, enhancing your profitability in the local market.

3 - Lower Shipping Costs :

Positioned at the heart of the world, between the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey's strategic location facilitates shipping and transportation between Turkey and Arab countries, reducing costs.

4 - Trade Relations :

Turkey's commercial cooperation with Arab countries makes the importing process easy and free from bureaucratic and customs obstacles. 

5 - Cultural Harmony :

The cultural affinity between Arab peoples and the Turkish population eases dealings and understanding in the fields of business and trade.

6 - Government Support :

Turkey supports the export sector and the development of local industries, benefiting Arab importers.

7 - Trade Exhibitions :

Turkey organizes numerous international trade exhibitions throughout the year, providing an opportunity for Arab importers to explore Turkish products and negotiate directly with suppliers.

Best Goods to Import from Turkey :

Turkey is known for its diverse industries and the quality of its products. Here is a list of the best goods for importing from Turkey:

1 - Clothing and Footwear :

Turkey is renowned for producing high-quality and trendy clothing and footwear.
The textile and footwear sector is one of Turkey's major exports.

2 - Textiles and Furnishings :

Textiles and furnishings are among Turkey's prominent exports, including high-quality products like curtains, bedspreads, carpets, and blankets.

3 - Food Industries :

Food industries are a vital sector in Turkey, encompassing dry goods, sweets, jams, juices, dairy products, nutritional supplements, and more.

4 - Household and Kitchen Tools :

Turkey is known for producing high-quality household and kitchen tools, including ceramic and glassware, electrical appliances, and hand tools.

5 - Chemicals and Plastics :

Turkey produces a wide range of chemicals and plastics, such as agricultural chemicals, industrial chemicals, and various plastic products.

6 - Furniture and Decor :

Turkey manufactures modern and classic furniture of high quality, including office furniture, home furniture, and interior and exterior decorations.

7 - Automotive and Machinery Spare Parts :

Turkey is famous for producing high-quality automotive and industrial machinery spare parts, including engines, wheels, electronic components, and other spare parts.

8 - Electronics and Electrical Appliances :

Turkey manufactures various electronic products and electrical appliances, including TVs, mobile phones, home appliances, lighting equipment, and computer .

9 - Construction and Industrial Materials :

Turkey is an important source of construction and industrial materials such as wooden panels, tiles, marble, granite, insulating materials, pipes, and industrial equipment.

10 - Medical Supplies and Cosmetics :

Turkey offers a wide range of high-quality medical supplies and cosmetics, including medicines, medical equipment, and products for body, hair, and skin care.

Requirements for Importing from Turkey

When importing from Turkey, it's essential to differentiate between importing under your company's name and utilizing a company that handles imports for others. The requirements for each scenario vary, and here's a detailed breakdown:

Requirements for Importing from Turkey (Under Your Company's Name):

Required Documents :

  • Registration in the commercial registry in your country.
  • Obtain a customs code: Some countries require importers to obtain a customs code. Make sure to secure it after submitting the necessary documents to the customs authorities during customs clearance.
  • Import license issued by the relevant governmental authorities in your country.
  • Import declaration issued by Turkish customs.
  • Commercial invoice and certificate of origin for imported goods.
  • Certificate of origin for the goods, authenticated by the Turkish Chamber of Commerce.
  • Packing list.
  • Bill of lading.

Product-Specific Conditions for Importing from Turkey :

  • Verify that the products you intend to import comply with technical specifications and local laws in your country.
  • Certain products may require additional approvals from government agencies before importation, such as food control if importing to Libya.  
  • Customs duties and taxes on goods are determined based on the type and value of the product and the country of origin.

Payment and Delivery Terms :

  • Specify payment and delivery terms in the agreement between you and the supplier.
  • Ensure that shipping and delivery terms are adhered to according to the agreed-upon timelines.
  • Determine the party responsible for loading and unloading the goods.

Seeking Appropriate Assistance :

  • Contact a shipping agent or local customs for proper assistance regarding import requirements and customs conditions.
  • Obtain more information about importing from Turkey by visiting the official websites of relevant government authorities in your country responsible for imports and exports. Additionally, explore the websites of business organizations and chambers of commerce.

Requirements for Importing from Turkey ( Through Import Company ) :

When importing from Turkey through a company that provides import services, the process is more straightforward. Provide clear and detailed specifications of the products you want to import to the importing company. They will handle supplier research, negotiations, quotation requests, selection of the most suitable supplier, shipping arrangements, customs clearance, and the delivery of goods to your specified location or customs warehouse, as agreed.

How to Import from Turkey ( Step-by-Step ) :

These steps are for those who want to import from Turkey under their company's name. If you opt for an importing company, they will handle these steps, and you only need to provide product specifications and your budget.

Please note that regulations and procedures may vary, and it's crucial to stay informed about the specific requirements of your country and Turkey.

Step One : Search for Sourcing

Here, we'll detail the common methods of importing: online and offline.

If you choose to import from Turkey by traveling there, you can search for suppliers through exhibitions and markets.

Wholesale Markets in Turkey​​

Visiting wholesale markets in Turkey can be a rewarding experience for importing products. Among these markets are:

1 - Osmanbey Market in Istanbul

  • Specialty : Clothing and textiles
  • Address : Tarakçı Cafer Sk., Sururi, 34120 Fatih / İstanbul, Turkey.

2 - Fatih Market

  • Specialty : Various products, including clothing, textiles, food items, and household tools. 
  • Address : Ali Kuşçu Mahallesi, Vatan Cd. No:24, 34080 Fatih / İstanbul, Turkey.

3 - Laleli Wholesale Market

  • Specialty : Clothing and textiles
  • Address : Laleli, 34134 Fatih / İstanbul, Turkey.

4 -Merter Wholesale Market

  • Specialty : Clothing and textiles
  • Address : Merter, 34173 Güngören / İstanbul, Turkey.

5 - Yeshildirek Market

  • Specialty : Underwear and pajamas.
  • Address : Tarakçı Cafer Sk., Sururi, 34120 Fatih / İstanbul.

6 - Tahtakale Market

  • Specialty : Electronics accessories, watches, and beauty products
  • Address : 34116 Tahtakale Fatih / Istanbul

7 - Kuyumcukent

  • Specialization : Gold, jewelry, and dresses
  • Address : Yenibosna Merkez Mh. Ladin Sk. Kuyumcukent Avm Bloğu 1. Kat No:410, Bahçelievler / Istanbul

8 - Bakırcılar Çarşısı (Coppersmiths Bazaar)

  • Specialization : Shops dealing with copper and other handmade crafts
  • Address : Boyacı, Eskici Çarşısı Sk., 27400 Şahinbey / Gaziantep

9 - Grand Bazaar

  • Specialization : Gold, silver, copperware, handmade crafts, bags, and shoes
  • Address : Beyazıt, 34126 Fatih / Istanbul

10 -Furniture City inegol / Mainly Mobilyum Mall

  • Specialization: Furniture and furnishings
  • Address : Yeniceköy, Bursa Eskişehir Yolu, 16400 İnegöl/Bursa

Trade Fairs

Turkey hosts numerous trade fairs that attract traders and buyers from around the world. Among the most important trade fairs you can visit in Turkey are:

1. Istanbul Yarn Fair:

  • Specialization : Textile and yarn industry.
  • Location : Istanbul.

2. International Istanbul Furniture Fair ( معرض إسطنبول الدولي للأثاث )

  • التخصص : صناعة الأثاث
  • Location : Istanbul.

3. Istanbul Food & Beverage Fair ( معرض إسطنبول للطعام و المشروبات )

  • التخصص : الأغذية و المشروبات
  • Location : Istanbul.

4. International Istanbul Textile Fair ( معرض إسطنبول الدولي للمنسوجات )

  • التخصص : الأغذية و المشروبات
  • Location : Istanbul.

5. YAPI – Turkeybuild Istanbul ( معرض تركيا بناء-إسطنبول )

  • التخصص : المواد الإنشائية و منتجات البناء
  • Location : Istanbul.

6. International Istanbul Plastics Industry Fair ( معرض إسطنبول الدولي لصناعة البلاستيك )

  • التخصص : صناعة البلاستيك
  • الموقع : إسطنبول

7. Istanbul Jewelry Show (معرض إسطنبول للمجوهرات)

  • التخصص : صناعة المجوهرات و الإكسسوارات
  • الموقع : إسطنبول

8. International Istanbul Stationery & Office Fair ( معرض إسطنبول الدولي للقرطاسية و المكتبات )

  • التخصص : القرطاسية و المكتبات
  • الموقع : إسطنبول

ثالثًا : أهم المدن الصناعية في تركيا

  1. إسطنبول : تعتبر إسطنبول أكبر مدينة صناعية في تركيا ، حيث تقع معظم المقرات التجارية و الشركات . تشتهر المدينة بإنتاج المنسوجات ، الملابس ، الأحذية ، الإلكترونيات و السلع الاستهلاكية .
  2. بورصة : تقع بورصة جنوب غرب إسطنبول و تعتبر من أهم المراكز الصناعية في تركيا . تشتهر بورصة بصناعة السيارات و قطع الغيار ، إضافة إلى النسيج و الملابس و الكيماويات .
  3. إزمير : تقع إزمير على ساحل بحر إيجه و تعتبر مركزًا هامًا للصناعات الغذائية و الزراعية. تشتهر المدينة بإنتاج المنتجات الغذائية مثل الزيتون و الفواكه و الخضروات ، إضافة إلى النسيج و الكيماويات .
  4. أنقرة : عاصمة تركيا تعتبر أيضًا مركزًا صناعيًا هامًا ، تشتهر بإنتاج المعدات الثقيلة و الدفاعية ، الصناعات الهندسية و البناء و المواد الكيميائية .
  5. قيصري : تقع قيصري في وسط تركيا و تعتبر مركزًا للصناعات النسيجية و السجاد و الأثاث و المنتجات الجلدية .
  6. غازي عنتاب : تعتبر غازي عنتاب مركزًا للصناعات الغذائية ، حيث تشتهر بإنتاج البسكويت و الشوكولاتة و الزيوت النباتية .
  7. كوجايلي : تقع كوجايلي شمال غرب تركيا و تعتبر مركزًا صناعيًا هامًا للصناعات الثقيلة و البتروكيماويات . تشتهر المدينة بإنتاج البلاستيك و المطاط و الكيماويات و المعدات الهندسية و الإلكترونيات و السيارات .
  8. سامسون : تقع سامسون على الساحل الشمالي لتركيا و تعتبر مركزًا للصناعات الغذائية و التبغ و النسيج. تشتهر المدينة بإنتاج السجائر و الأغذية المعلبة و الزيوت النباتية و النسيج .
  9. أضنة : تقع أضنة في جنوب تركيا و تعتبر مركزًا للصناعات الزراعية و الغذائية . تشتهر المدينة بإنتاج القطن و الحبوب و الخضروات و الفواكه و المنتجات الغذائية المختلفة .
  10. مرسين : تقع مرسين على الساحل الجنوبي لتركيا و تعتبر مركزًا للصناعات الغذائية و الزراعية و الكيميائية . تشتهر المدينة بإنتاج المنتجات البترولية و الكيميائية و البلاستيكية و النسيج .

و هنا يجب أن أنصحك بالتخطيط المسبق لزيارة تركيا ، محددًا البضائع التي تريد استيرادها ، و المدينة التي تنوي الاستيراد منها بالإضافة إلى الأماكن التي ستسعى للقاء الموردين فيها ( أسواق جملة ، معارض ، مصانع ) و هنا دعني أعدد لك بعض من التطبيقات التي يمكن أن تجعل رحلتك في تركيا أسهل .

Importing from Turkey
سفيان سالم علي المرغني November 11, 2023
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